homepage of foursquare shows the recent check in by you. It also suggest places
to go like pubs, restaurant, hotels, universities, schools, and malls etc.
these places are selected by the distances. As in if you want places with in 1
km range. Foursquare will show all the most trendy or recommended places in
your range. These places will have the reviews of different people along with
the pictures of different events at the certain place.
has now added a new feature into the app. It allows you to tag your friends
with your check in. this service is already available on the facebook.
Foursquare is typically designed for the check in purposes so tagging your
friends with your check ins is a very essential service. when we use foursquare
all my friends check in from their smart phones. We share the foursquare update
on facebook but, it does not show that we are together. All check-ins were
separate. Now, with this service I tag my friends along with me. It shows other
people that we hang out together.
Foursquarefriend tagging is possible when you tag a friend with you and foursquare sends
a tag request to your friends. If that friend approves the tag then it will
appear on the wall of foursquare and facebook. Foursquare check-in suggestions
and pictures are also shred on Twitter. It gives you more interactions and more
followers. Many time I achieved discounts in restaurant and pubs because I tag
more people in my check in and share my check –ins on Facebook and twitter.
Foursquare allows me to check all new places in my area. From the last few days
foursquare was not working properly, it had to be forced close every time I
searched a place. It made me very anxious. Foursquare is very useful at lunch
time or dinner time. that is why I always to open it. I think now this is due
to the latest service they offered. Now, I open the app and it works good.
There is no waiting of buffering. The check in is also quick. I check –in my
daily routine on foursquare and tag all my friends with me. It feels like
connected with my friends all the time. I think foursquare is good then other
check in apps.
Author Bio:
article is written by Farwa Omair. She is working for AmeriCord and Breaking News. AmeriCord is making top
quality power cords for
their customers.